These are the 3-alpha-codes and names of the countries supported in the Remote API. To onboard a new hire in a country, not in this list, please log in to your Remote account and add them manually.
To request support for another country, please contact:
Code | Country Name |
AUS | Australia |
AUT | Austria |
BRB | Barbados |
BRA | Brazil |
KHM | Cambodia |
CAN | Canada |
EGY | Egypt |
FRA | France |
DEU | Germany |
HUN | Hungary |
IND | India |
IDN | Indonesia |
IRL | Ireland |
ITA | Italy |
KGZ | Kyrgyzstan |
MEX | Mexico |
MNG | Mongolia |
NLD | Netherlands |
NGA | Nigeria |
POL | Poland |
PRT | Portugal |
ZAF | South Africa |
ESP | Spain |
SWE | Sweden |
CHE | Switzerland |
TWN | Taiwan |
GBR | United Kingdom (UK) |
USA | United States |
VNM | Vietnam |
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