How to add and invite employees hired by your company to Remote

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Remote allows you to easily manage your entire global team in one place no matter where, when, or how they work.

An employee hired by your company is someone you employ through your own legal entity and manage using Remote HR software — as opposed to using Remote as the Employer of Record (EOR).

Take a self-guided tour of Remote HR Management

There is no cost associated with managing employees hired by your company on the platform, and you can add as many as you want.

How to add and invite an employee hired by your company one at a time

See also: View an employee hired by your company onboarding self-guided tour

  1. From your dashboard, go to the Onboarding tab, click Add new +, and Add new hire.
  2. You will be asked a few questions. For employees hired by your company employees, make sure to choose the My company’s entity option.


  3. You will also be asked how you will handle payroll; if you have your own payroll provider outside of Remote, choose that option.
  4. You will be prompted to fill out details of this employee. At this time, you can also assign them to a department and manager. You can choose to invite them immediately or at a later time. Click on Continue to proceed to the next step.


  5. Before sending the invite out, review the employee's details to ensure they're accurate, then click on Invite now. You can also decide to invite later.


  6. The employee will receive an email invite to create their account on Remote. 
    See also: What can an employee hired by your company do on Remote?
  7. You're able to view all your employees hired by your company from the Onboarding tab. 

    Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 9.49.55 AM.png

How to add and invite multiple employees hired by your company in bulk

See also: View a self-guided demo: How to add employees hired by your company in bulk

  1. From your dashboard, go to the Onboarding tab, click Add new +, and Add multiple hires.
  2. You will be asked a few simple questions. For employees hired by your company, make sure to choose the My company’s entity option.
  3. You will be prompted to fill out details of these employees. Click the Generate your template link, which will open in a new tab.

    Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 9.50.55 AM.png

  4. Using the multi-select tool, select which employee profile fields you want to use; they’ll be automatically included in your custom CSV file.


  5. Click Generate CSV, and it will automatically download to your device. Simply open the CSV file and fill out the information about the employees you want to add and invite in bulk.
    See also: How to format your CSV file when bulk adding employees hired by your company
  6. When you’re done filling out the CSV file, go back to the add employee flow and upload the CSV file.
  7. If there are any errors or missing information, we will tell you. You can decide to move forward with the employees who are ready to be invited, or you can choose to fix the errors of the employees not ready to be invited.


  8. When you’re ready, invite the employees. Each one will receive an email inviting them to join your company on Remote and create an account.


  9. You're able to view all your employees hired by your company from the Onboarding tab.

See also: How do I offboard an employee hired by my company from the Remote platform?


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