What does it mean if my company account is being reviewed?

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While your account is being reviewed, you’ll still be able to log into your account and add new employees’ details to the platform. However, you will unable to invite new employees to begin onboarding until we have completed our review.

To conduct company account reviews, our team uses all the company information provided during account sign up, a range of industry-leading data sources, and our own proprietary logic in order to reach a decision about each company regarding a reserve invoice requirement. We may also request additional documentation to enable us conduct a Know Your Business (KYB) check. 

See also: What is a reserve payment?

At the conclusion of our review, we may determine that your account is required to make a reserve payment for new employees. If this is the case, you will be notified by our team upon completion of the review. Reserve payments apply only to Employer of Record (EoR) employees. There is no impact to contractor management or direct employees.

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