Payroll: How to change an employee's salary or job title

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When the details of an employee's salary changes, you can make the adjustment on Remote.

  1. Log into the Remote platform with an Admin account.
  2. From the menu bar on the left, click on Team and search for the employee.


  3. Click on the employee name to open their profile.
  4. Go to the Job tab on the top of the employee profile, and you will be able to see the current Salary of the employee along with their salary history.


  5. From the Salary section, click on Edit to make any change to the salary or the job title of the employee.


  6. Make the necessary changes and add an effective date.
    To change the salary amount, please update the Gross annual salary section. 


  7. Click on Save changes to see the change made in Salary history on the employee's profile.


When will the changes be reflected in payroll?

The Remote Payroll team will process the changes in payroll, considering 2 important dates:

  • Effective date of the change: Changes won’t be applied in payroll until the effective date. You can enter future salary or job title changes without worrying about forgetting to enter the details, or immediate processing.
  • Input cut-off: Changes in salary or job title will need to follow the agreed payroll calendar and be entered in the platform by the agreed input cut-off to be processed timely.

For example, if March cut-off date is on March 18, 

  • A salary change entered on March 26 and effective date on April 1 will be processed by the payroll team on the first payroll run of April.
  • A salary change entered on March 26 and effective date on March 1 will be processed by the payroll team on your first payroll run for April.

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