How to view my Remote Company ID as a customer

Article author
Ariyo Raji
  • Updated

The Remote Company ID is a unique identifier assigned to each customer on the Remote platform. This ID may be requested in certain scenarios.

Steps to access your unique Remote Company ID

  1. Click on the Company Settings option on the left sidebar.
  2. Go to the Company Information page and view your Remote Company ID under the General Information section.
Your Remote Company ID follows a unique UUID format that consists of 8-4-4-4-12 alphanumeric characters. Here's a generalized example: 3a72d654-7f91-4a3b-b6a5-c8d3f9e2b6c4. This format is consistent for all customers. If your ID looks different, please ensure you're looking at the correct section or contact our support team for assistance.



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