How to assign or change a default withdrawal method as a contractor?

Article author
Yulia Divelbiss
  • Updated

One of your withdrawal methods will always be assigned as your default, and Remote will attempt to send your contractor payment to this default withdrawal method whenever possible.

Assigning or changing a withdrawal method

The first withdrawal method you add will automatically become your default but you can also change it at any time by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Withdrawal methods tab and find the withdrawal method you want to use as your default.
  2. Click on the three-dot menu, then Set as default.


  3. This will automatically assign all future invoices that can be paid out to this withdrawal method to this new default. Additionally, you will see modal pop up where you will be able to reassign any existing invoice invoice schedules to this withdrawal method by checking the box:


Note: It’s possible that the default withdrawal method you selected cannot be used for some invoices and invoice schedules. Usually, this means that the currency or the type of the withdrawal method you set to be your default doesn’t match the invoice set-up. In these cases, you will need to create a new withdrawal method and assign it to an invoice schedule manually - to do so, follow the steps in How to assign a withdrawal method to a scheduled invoice.

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