How to sign up and confirm your email for Remote Talent

Article author
Scott Divelbiss
  • Updated
  1. Go to  and select the appropriate option.
  2. Enter your email and password.
  3. Go to your email and find the email from Remote, the subject will be Confirm your email address for Remote Talent.
  4. Click on Go to email confirmation to open the page.
  5. You should now see a modal with a button that says Confirm email address, click on that button.
  6. All set! Your email is confirmed and you are ready to explore jobs

Constantly seeing the "Resend email" modal?

  1. Make sure you are clicking on Confirm email address after clicking from the email. We require these 2 steps for your security.
  2. The URL for confirming should look something like this: If it doesn’t make sure you are navigating directly from the email.

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