How can view my benefits for the January 1,2025-December 31,25 coverage period (if any)?
You can view you 2025 benefits in the Benefits section of your Remote profile.
Steps to view your coverage details:
- Sign in to your Remote profile
- Navigate to the Benefits tab
- In the Remote Hub area, click the link to the benefits guide, which contains comprehensive information about your benefits for the upcoming policy year.
Life Insurance
In January 2025, Remote has introduced a new Life Insurance benefit for employees in Ireland through a partnership with Irish Life, a leading provider of group life assurance. Law Debenture has been appointed as the Trustee for this plan. This article will guide you through the details of the coverage and the Bereavement Support service.
Is Life Insurance Mandatory to Offer?
No, offering Life Insurance is optional for clients.
Life Insurance If I have been granted Life coverage, will I be automatically enrolled?
Yes. There is no action on your side. Employees will be enrolled automatically to the Life Insurance. (See note about sick pre-existences)
Will I receive any communication from the Insurer?
No. This is a group life insurance policy, which means that the contract exists between the employer, Remote, and the insurer.
Can team members opt out of Life Insurance?
No, team members cannot opt out of Life Insurance once it is provided.
What are the Life Insurance coverage options?
There are three coverage options available for clients to choose from:
- Premium Plan: 4 times the employee’s annual salary
- Basic Plan: 2 times the employee’s annual salary
- No Life Insurance coverage.
There are three coverage options available for clients to choose from: Life Insurance package includes the payout premium of 2 or 4 times annual salary plus Bereavement Support for family.
What is Bereavement Support from Irish Life?
Bereavement Support from Irish Life is a free service available to the spouse/partner and/or adult dependent children between 18 and 21 of a deceased insured member.
Irish Life has partnered with Centric Mental Health to provide this service. You can avail of 6-8 sessions if bereavement counselling with experienced therapist either online or face to face.
Free Cover Limit:
Irish Life provides a cover limit of €1,800,000. Employees with an annual gross salary of up to €450,000 are fully covered from day one, with no extra steps.
For employees earning more than €450,000:
- For the 1st €1,800,000 they are automatically accepted
- Any amount over this limit requires medical underwriting
- These employees will need to fill out a medical questionnaire and have a medical call for the extra coverage
- If needed, Irish Life may contact the employee's GP
If any employee earns more than €450,000 per year and want to initiate the medical underwriting, they need to send an email to We will inform Irish Life and they will initiate the process.
Eligibility Criteria
- Age limit: Employees up to age 65 are eligible.
- Part-time employees: All employees, regardless of working hours, are covered.
Sick Pre-existence
- Employees on sick leave for more than 14 days when they join the company or the plan will not be covered until they return to work.
Coverage Start and End Dates
- Start Date: Life Insurance coverage begins on the employee's start date.
- End Date: Coverage ends on the employee's last working day with the company. Extensions are not allowed.
The employee must designate a beneficiary (e.g., next of kin) using the Letter of Wishes form, which can be uploaded to their Remote profile. If no beneficiary is listed, the trustee will determine the appropriate recipient.
- See also: [Employees] How to upload documents
Use the following information as you complete the form:
- To the Trustees of: Remote Group Life Cover Scheme
- Type of benefit: Death in Service
- Proportion: 100% if it is a unique beneficiary. In case that you are adding more than one, the total percentage should add up 100%
Plan Cost
The company will cover the cost of Life Insurance
Plan Costs Taxation: Does BiK applies to Life Insurance?
No Benefit in Kind (BiK) for Life Insurance.
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