How is Remote Equity different from what I see in my own cap table (for example, Carta)? What is the benefit of using Remote Equity if I already have a cap table?

Article author
Trent Kennelly
  • Updated

Remote Equity and cap table management solutions are complementary, not competitors. 

Remote Equity replaces the need to deal with different lawyers for legal and tax matters related to equity compensation in each country where you have employees. 

Your cap table is a record-keeping solutions for everything related to the cap table, while Remote Equity is the solution that generates those records related to equity compensation in a simple and compliant manner. 

Remote Equity allows you to operate compliantly throughout the entire equity compensation lifecycle. We’re here to be your longstanding equity compensation partner and replace the complex web of discussions and expenses you would have with legal counsels all over the globe about offers, arrivals or departures in your team, the questions you will face regarding exercises and doubts you will have regarding taxation & reporting.

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