How to link/unlink a company admin account to an employee account

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We’ve introduced changes to our platform that affect who can be assigned as an employee’s manager. Previously, both Employee accounts and Company Admin accounts could be designated as managers. With this update, only Employee accounts can now be set as managers. This change ensures fully connected reporting lines within the Remote platform.

If you notice that certain managers are no longer available in the Manager Assignment dropdown, it’s because they only have a Company Admin account and not an Employee account. To assign new direct reports to these managers, you will need to create an Employee account for them and link it to their Company Admin account.

There are several ways this can be done and account linking can only be done by the company owner, super admin or company admin with the ability to Edit Company Management permissions in their role.

In this article, we will cover the following:

Note: When a company admin account with direct reports is linked to an employee account, that employee becomes the manager and receives the direct reports. If the same company admin account is later linked to a different employee account for any reason, the direct reports stay with the original employee — they don't transfer to the newly linked employee account. Remember that account linking does not change existing manager assignments.

Account linking via notification

If the system detects unlinked company admins, users with permissions will see a task in their To Do list. This task will guide you through linking the accounts.

Link an existing employee account

From company admins overview page

  1. From the Company admins overview page, click on the three dots icon and choose Link an employee account.

  2. From the pop-up window, choose the employee profile you want this company admin linked to then click on Link account.

From company admin's profile

  1. From the Company admins overview page, click on the three dots icon and choose View profile and reports.
  2. On the company admin's page, click on Link employee account.
  3. Choose the employee account associated with the company admin then click on Link account.

When the company admin doesn't have an existing employee account

  1. If this company admin doesn't have an existing employee account, you can create one from the modal by adding their name then clicking on Link accounts.

    Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 5.00.23 PM.png
  2. When inviting the company admin as an employee, you can use their personal email or work email. If you want to use their existing work email, the workaround is adding a + suffix to the work email address. For example, if the existing work email being used for this company admin is, you can instead use this email when adding the company admin as an employee.

Unlink a linked account

  1. From the Company admins overview page, click on the three dots icon and choose Unlink employee account.
  2. From the pop up window, click on the Unlink account button.

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