Switzerlands Business Registration Checklist for Remote Payroll

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Before initiating payroll services with Remote in Singapore, please review this checklist to ensure your business has completed all necessary registration steps. This will help streamline the process and avoid any potential delays.

Mandatory Items

  1. Is the company registered with the Commercial Register?
    This registration grants the company legal status and is required for all major business entities, including AG (Aktiengesellschaft) and GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung). Visit the official website to read more information.
  2. Is the company registered for AHV (State Pension)?
  3. AHV is Switzerland's state pension system, managed by the Swiss Federal Social Insurance Office (FSIO). Companies must register their employees with AHV and make mandatory contributions to fund old-age, survivors', and disability insurance.
  4. Is the company registered for UVG (Accident Insurance)?
    UVG (Unfallversicherungsgesetz) is the Accident Insurance Act. Employers must provide accident insurance coverage for their employees through private insurance companies authorized by the Swiss government.
  5. Is the company registered for BVG?
    The BVG (Berufliche Vorsorge) is the Swiss occupational pension scheme. Employers must register their employees with a pension fund (Pensionskasse) that complies with BVG regulations. This registration is handled through your chosen pension fund, not directly through the FSIO.

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Does the company have approved expense policies with the Tax Office
    Approved expense policies help ensure that the company’s expense claims comply with Swiss tax regulations, reducing the risk of disputes with tax authorities. Proper documentation is key to maintaining tax compliance and can simplify audits. Visit the official website to read more information.


  1. Is the company registered for UVGZ (Additional Accident Insurance)?
    This optional coverage provides enhanced benefits beyond the standard accident insurance (UVG) for employees.
  2. Is the company registered for Health Insurance (KTG)?
    It is not mandatory, but most companies choose to insure its workforce.

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