How to assign a company admin as manager without an employee account

Article author
Joel Javier
  • Updated

An existing company admin can be assigned as a manager, but their company admin profile must be linked to an employee profile.

If the company admin already has a linked employee profile, you can follow this guide: Assign a manager to an employee or contractor

If not, you’ll need to create and link an employee profile to the company admin profile before assigning them as a manager.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to Company settings and click on Company admin users.
  2. Find the company admin’s profile and click the three dots icon in the far-right column and select Link an employee account.

    Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 4.55.38 PM.png

  3. Type the company admin’s name and click Create an employee account for...

    Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 5.00.23 PM.png
  4. Fill in the required details in the pop-up window, then click Link accounts to complete the process.

    Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 4.59.26 PM.png

5. Once the profiles are linked, follow this guide to assign the company admin as a manager: Assign a manager to an employee or contractor 

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