How to request a contract extension/renewal

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It is possible to request a renewal or extension for employees with fixed-term contracts.

  1. Log into your account and click on the Requests tab.
  2. Click on the New Request button.


  3. Select the name of the employee whose contract you want to change.
  4. If the employee has a fixed-term contract, you will see options for Employment Agreement extension and Employment Agreement renewal.


  5. To extend the employee's contract, choose Employment Agreement extension then click on Continue to request.
  6. Fill out the details of the employment agreement extension, then click on Request extension.


Once you submit a request, you will see the request and its status on the Requests tab. You will also receive an email with the details of your request. If there's an error in the details you submitted or need to follow up, you can comment on the details page or respond to the email. Only the company owner and super admins can submit or view a contract amendment request.

After your request has been submitted, we will review the details and kick-start the process.

The process for requesting a contract renewal is the same as explained above. If the contract renewal request requires a change in employment terms (e.g salary change, title change, benefits, etc), additional steps may be required. The entire process is complete when the employee signs the contract renewal/extension letter.


See also: How automated amendments for salary increases work

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