What is a TEAM plan?

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A TEAM (Team Expansion and Acceleration Model) plan is when a Customer pays for seats in advance which go towards future employees in the coming year. When a Customer plans to hire a significant number of employees or to gradually convert existing contractors to Remote in the coming year, it makes sense to use the TEAM plan.

When a Customer uses a TEAM plan, they receive a discount which takes away the need to negotiate for each new employee. Customers can onboard new employees within the 364 days of the TEAM plan being signed.

Characteristics of a TEAM plan

  • Employees must be onboarded to the purchased seats within 12 months of TEAM plan activation.
  • You can only add employees to an active TEAM plan. If the TEAM plan will start at a future date, then you will be unable to add employees to the plan until it starts.
  • The employees’ management fees are prepaid for a 12-month period.
  • If an employee is offboarded (e.g. resigns or is terminated) within the 12-month period, you can place another employee in that seat for the months left over in that period.
  •  A minimum of 5 seats is required for a TEAM plan.
  • Additional discounts are available when TEAM plan seats are bought in bulk, starting at 15 seats.
  • TEAM plans are available in all countries where Remote operates.
  • TEAM plan rules and regulations are subject to change.
  • Remote has the right to terminate or limit the number of hires on TEAM plans in cases where you have failed to make payments due.

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