Using Remote for Employers
Your global expansion partner. Remote fully owns the local entities in all our available countries.
About Remote
- What does an employer of record (EOR) do?
- How do I contact Remote for support?
- Accessing our Help Center
- Does Remote have a list of partners who offer discounts?
- Remote's Glossary
- Why can’t I unsubscribe from Remote’s emails?
Security & Compliance
Co-Employment Risk
Legal Contracts
Customer Onboarding
- Why am I getting requests from Remote asking me to provide more company information and documents when I’ve activated my account already?
- Why can’t I access all Remote platform features?
- How do I sign up for a Remote account?
- How do I finish setting up my account?
- Will I be able to send out contracts to employees as soon as my company account set up is complete?
- Why am I being asked to provide a VAT number?
Customer Lifecycle
- Remote API
- Zapier Integration
- BambooHR Integration
- Greenhouse Integration
- Gusto Employer of Record Services
- Slack Integration
- Mosey Partnership
- Hibob Integration
- Personio Integration
- Sequoia Integration
- GoCo Integration
- Easop Integration
- Zelt Integration
- Xero Integration
- Vanta Integration
- Gifted Integration
Conflict in the Middle East
- [Conflict in the Middle East] General Mobility Advice
- [Conflict in the Middle East] Travel & Sponsorship options - Israeli nationals
- [Conflict in the Middle East] Can Remote support relocation?
- [Conflict in the Middle East] Can Remote provide any immigration support to employees?
- [Conflict in the Middle East] Can Remote proceed with onboarding Israeli hires?
- [Conflict in the Middle East] Can Remote support with salary advancements to the employees?