How to set up workflow triggers

Article author
Lauren Edwardson
  • Updated

Each workflow must have a defined trigger. This determines when the workflow will be initiated.

Note: Our Workflows feature is currently in Beta. If you have feedback, encounter any issues, or want to request additional workflows, you can access our feedback form by clicking on the help menu next to your avatar and selecting Give product feedback.

What triggers are available in Remote? 

The following workflow triggers are currently available:

  • Custom field value updated: A workflow will be triggered when a custom field value is added or updated.
  • Employment details updated: A workflow will be triggered when a team member’s department or manager is added or updated. No workflows will be triggered if other employment details are updated.
  • Expense approved: A workflow will be triggered when a team member's expense is approved by their manager or another company admin.
  • Expense declined: A workflow will be triggered when a team member’s expense is declined.
  • Expense deleted: A workflow will be triggered when a team member’s expense is deleted.
  • Expense reimbursed: A workflow will be triggered when a team member’s expense is reimbursed.
  • Expense submitted: A workflow will be triggered when a team member's expense is submitted and requires approval from their manager or a company admin.
  • Expense updated: A workflow will be triggered when a team member’s expense is updated.
  • Onboarding task completed: A workflow will be triggered when a team member has completed an onboarding task.
  • Onboarding completed: A workflow will be triggered when a team member has completed their onboarding.
  • Personal information updated: A workflow will be triggered when a team member’s personal information (including name, phone number, home address, emergency contact information) is added or updated.
  • Team member birthdate: A workflow can be triggered on the team member's birthday, 1-90 days before their birthday, or 1-90 days after their birthday
  • Team member fixed-term contract end date: A workflow can be triggered on the date a team member's fixed-term contract ends, or 1-90 days before or after the fixed-term contract end date
  • Team member probation end date: A workflow can be triggered on the date a team member's probation period ends, or 1-90 days before or after the probation end date
  • Team member start date: A workflow can be triggered on the team member's start date, or 1-90 days before or after their start date
  • Time off approved: A workflow will be triggered when a team member’s time off is approved.
  • Time off canceled: A workflow will be triggered when a team member’s time off is canceled.
  • Time off date changed: A workflow will be triggered when the date of a team member’s time off is changed.
  • Time off declined: A workflow will be triggered when a team member’s time off is declined.
  • Time off requested: A workflow will be triggered when a team member submits a time off request.
  • Time off taken: A workflow will be triggered when a team member’s time off is taken.
  • Time off updated: A workflow will be triggered when a team member’s time off is updated.
  • Timesheet submitted: A workflow will be triggered when a team member submits a timesheet.

We're continuously adding more triggers. Don't hesitate to share your feedback with our team if you have a suggestion for a new trigger.

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