Understanding workflow statuses

Article author
Lauren Edwardson
  • Updated

Each workflow has a workflow status.

Note: Our Workflows feature is currently in Beta. If you have feedback, encounter any issues, or want to request additional workflows, you can access our feedback form by clicking on the help menu next to your avatar and selecting Give product feedback.

Knowing the different workflow statuses helps you manage and optimize your processes effectively. This guide explains the available workflow statuses, so you can ensure your workflows are in the right status to meet your needs.

  • Draft: Every new workflow starts out in a draft state. It will remain in a draft state until it is published. Draft workflows do not run.
  • Published: Once a trigger and action have been set up, the workflow can be published. Once published, it will run each time the trigger condition is met.
  • Paused: A published workflow can be paused so that it no longer runs.
  • Archived: Archive workflows that you no longer want to use.

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