Does localized invoicing in Canada change my invoicing process?

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Remote's localized invoicing process in Canada only impacts:

  • Customers who are hiring Canadian and Non Canadian residents through Remote
  • Customers who are hiring only Canadian residents through Remote

Customers hiring both Canadian and Non Canadian residents

For Customers hiring both Canadian and Non Canadian residents through Remote, due to localized invoicing in Canada, they will receive four invoices in a given month: 

  • 1 Payroll Pre-funding & 1 Reconciliation from Canada Remote Technology Inc. invoice for Canadian employees/residents.
    • For the Canadian employees/residents, your localized invoice will include Canadian GST / HST / QST / PST (if applicable) depending on your place of residency. The indirect taxes need to be paid to Remote and you can declare the amount in your Canadian indirect tax return. 
    • For the Non-Canadian employees/residents, your localized invoice will not include GST, HST, QST or PST.
  • 1 Payroll Pre-funding & 1 Reconciliation invoice from Remote Europe Holding BV for Non Canadian employees/residents.

Customers hiring only Canadian residents

For Customers who are hiring only Canadian residents through Remote, your invoicing process and number of invoices (1 Payroll Pre-funding & 1 Reconciliation invoice) will remain the same. The only slight difference is that your invoices will be issued from Canada Remote Technology Inc.

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