How to download a summary of contractor invoices

Article author
Karolina Klermon-Williams
  • Updated

As an Employer, you are able to export a CSV of all/specific contractor invoices over a given time period instead of having to access each invoice individually.

How it works:

  1. From the Contractor invoices click on Settled Invoices.


  2. On the right, click on the three-dot menu and select Export data


  3. Configure the CSV export by:
    1. Date or date range.
    2. Invoice status (if left empty, invoices of all statuses will be exported).
      See also: What do invoice statuses mean.
    3. Invoice columns: contractor name, country, currency, payout or invoice date etc.
    4. Any previously configured custom fields (e.g. Cost Center or Employee Department).
      See also: How to add Custom Fields?


  4. Click Export CSV to download contractor invoices to your computer.

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