How can I sign up as a job seeker?

Article author
Julia Edlinger
  • Updated

To sign up for, you can use your existing Remote account or create an account if you don't have one.

Sign up with existing Remote account

You can log into with your existing Remote credentials.

  1. To get started, go to the sign-in page and click on Log in.


  2. Enter your email and your password for your existing Remote account and click Log in.


  3. Once you complete this, you are now ready to use Remote Jobs.

Create Remote account

If you don’t have a Remote account yet, you can sign up for by creating a new account.

  1. From click on Sign up.

  2. We first ask for some basic information — like your email and a desired password — so we can create an account and login credentials for you.


  3. Once you've filled in your details and clicked Sign up for free we will send you a confirmation email. If you do not see this in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder. If you still do not find this, please reach out to so we can verify your account manually.

  4. Once you've verified your email by clicking Confirm email address, you will be able to sign into the platform using the email address and password you provided in Step 2.

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