Contractor onboarding overview in Contractor of Record

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Setting up your account is quick and hassle-free in Contractor of Record. As a contractor, you will receive an email notification when the customer invites you to Remote. 

  1. When you receive the invite via email, you will be asked to setup a password for your account.
  2. Once this is done, you will proceed to the self-serve onboarding process which includes filling out your personal details, address proof and also performing a Know Your Customer (KYC) verification. This allows us to verify your identity.

  3. When you have completed all your onboarding tasks, you will be able to access your dashboard.

  4. In the dashboard, you will have to complete two mandatory steps which are:
    • Review and sign the contractor services agreement.
    • Setup withdrawal methods to receive payments.

  5. Once done, you’re account is completely set up!

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