Inviting contractors through Contractor of Record is a simple and straightforward process.
- To add a contractor, go to the Team tab on Remote and choose Team overview.
- Click on Add new button and choose Add new hire.
- Next, select which of your entities will be handling contractor’s daily work and click Continue (the same entity will also get billed for Contractor of Record services for this contractor).
Note: This selection does not determine the "hiring entity" for Contractor of Record since Remote will always act as the entity hiring the contractor and entering into the contract with them. You can learn more about different types of entities here.
- You will then be prompted to fill out contractor details such as their name, email address, country, position etc. Click Continue.
- In the next step, select Contractor of Record as your pricing plan and complete a Questionnaire to assess the contractor’s eligibility to be engaged via Contractor of Record.
Note: In the case of a failed questionnaire, you will not be able to proceed with Contractor of Record for this contractor. We will always suggest alternatives on how to best proceed with the engagement to ensure high compliance standards. If you have questions about the results of the questionnaire, please reach out to us at
- On the next screen, you will fill out the Statement of work (SOW) document which goes over the contractor’s project details, deliverables, service duration and payment terms.
- In the Statement of work, you will see a callout about a reserve payment which Remote collects prior to sending an invite to the contractor. The reserve payment amount is determined based on the Statement of Work details.
See also: What is reserve payment in Contractor of Record?
- In the Statement of work, you will see a callout about a reserve payment which Remote collects prior to sending an invite to the contractor. The reserve payment amount is determined based on the Statement of Work details.
- A few minutes after, you will see a notification about a new outstanding reserve invoice (you will also be able to find it under Payroll & Payments > Remote invoices). Once this reserve invoice is paid, an email is automatically sent to the contractor inviting them to start their self- enrolment process in Remote.
See also: How to pay a reserve invoice in Contractor of Record?
- You’re now all set!The contractor can start onboarding onto Remote and, once onboarding is successfully completed, they can start invoicing
See also: Contractor invoicing and payment in Contractor of Record
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