Managing multiple entities for contractors

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A legal entity is an operating unit of your company with its own policies, payroll, and tax duties. Depending on how you want to engage contractors, you can add different company entities to your account to cover all your hiring and billing needs.

Types of entities

Contracted by

This legal entity is the entity contracting the individual under the terms of the contract. It assumes responsibility for the contractor's legal obligations and paying their invoices.

Engaging entity

This legal entity that is the contractor's direct point of contact and handles their daily work. For CM and CM+, the Contracted by entity and Engaging entity will be the same legal entity..

Billing entity

This is the legal entity that pays invoices for Remote'ss services.

Entity assignment based on product type

Product  Contracted By Engaging Entity Billed Entity
Contractor Management Your legal entity Your legal entity Your legal entity
Contractor Management Plus Your legal entity Your legal entity Your legal entity
Contractor of Record Remote's legal entity Your legal entity Your legal entity

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