How to Register a Business in Washington

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This guide will walk you through the steps to legally establish your business in Washington state, from choosing a business structure to obtaining necessary permits and licenses.

Key Steps for Business Registration in Washington

Registration Steps

1. Choose a Business Structure

The first step is choosing your business structure. Here are the main options:

  • Sole Proprietorship Simplest structure for single-owner businesses
  • Partnership For businesses with multiple owners
  • LLC (Limited Liability Company) Combines benefits of corporations and partnerships
  • Corporation More complex structure with shares and shareholders

The structure you choose will determine your registration requirements with the Department of Revenue (DOR) and other agencies.

2. Register with the Washington State Department of Revenue (DOR)

3. Obtain Workers' Compensation Insurance

  • Washington requires all employers to obtain workers' compensation insurance through the state-run system.
  • You can find your assigned workers' compensation rates on the L&I website after filing your business license application.

4. Register for Unemployment Insurance

  • Your unemployment insurance rate will be included in the information packet you receive from the DOR after filing your business license application.
  • If you have questions about your rate, you can contact the ESD at (855) 829-9243, option 3.

5. Register for Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) - if applicable

  • Washington has a mandatory PFML program that provides partial wage replacement for qualified leave.
  • Employers with more than 50 employees are required to pay premiums into the program. Smaller employers are exempt from paying employer premiums, but employees are still required to contribute.
    • How is business size determined?
      Washington's Paid Leave determines business size annually on September 30 by averaging employee counts from four quarters: Q3/Q4 from two years prior and Q1/Q2 from the previous year. The agency notifies businesses of size changes in early October.
  • You can register for PFML through the Secure Access Washington (SAW) portal after receiving your UBI number.

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