When you need to request a reimbursement for a company-approved expense, you can do so directly on Remote. Only employees are able to add an expense. This can be done on the Remote mobile app or directly on the platform.
In this article, we cover the following:
Add expense
When you log into Remote:
- Click on the Expenses tab.
- From the Expenses page, click on the Add expense button on the right.
- Required: Upload a receipt of your expense and click on Scan receipt.
- Your receipt will be scanned and the details of your expense automatically filled in. Review the details of your expense to ensure it's all correct then click on Submit expense or Save as draft.
See also: Delete an expense
Modify Expense
You can always view the expense you've submitted from the Pending tab and make changes before the expense gets approved. If you need to modify an expense that has already been approved, please reach out to us.
See also: Can commissions or expenses be processed after the global payroll cutoff date?
For countries where we run a monthly payroll, if the expense is submitted and approved before the payroll cut off which is the 11th of the month, 11:59PM UTC, it will be paid out in the same month. If it is submitted and approved after the 11th of the month, it will be paid out in the following month.
Note: Exceptions to the standard payroll cutoff dates include Bulgaria and Germany, as well as other countries with semi-monthly payroll schedules. In Bulgaria, the cutoff is on the last day of the month. The cutoff date for Germany changes each month.
Additionally, as we approach the end of the year, there will be different payroll cutoff and deadlines for December 2024.
See also: Remote expense policy - what to do to avoid rejection
Partial expense reimbursement
If you're submitting an expense reimbursement that isn't for the full amount shown on the receipt, it's considered a partial reimbursement. To ensure your request isn't rejected, specify that it's a partial reimbursement in the Notes field. The Total amount you should enter in the form is the partial reimbursement amount.
Expense submission recommendations
- Submit expenses in the currency shown on the receipt.
- If an expense is declined, you can resubmit by editing the original submission.
- Submit different types of expenses separately to ensure smooth processing.
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