What are my responsibilities as a Payroll customer with Remote?

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As a Payroll customer with Remote, you have some responsibilities you are in charge of.  In this article, we will cover:

As a Customer, you will manage the following tasks when running Payroll with Remote:

  • Information for the payroll setup
    • Provide the accurate and complete information required by Remote to provide the Payroll service. For example, entity, payroll and bank account information, employee details, and any required powers of attorney.
      See also: How multiple entities work on Remote
    • Submit payroll returns to tax agencies that were due for payroll tax liabilities incurred prior.
    • Fully migrate from the other payroll service for the employees for which Remote will be providing the service. Cancellation must take place before the official payroll run with Remote.
  • Remote Platform Management.
    • You will need to approve and submit payroll information for all payroll cycles to authorize Remote to process payroll and payroll tax transactions.
  • Salary Payout
    • You will be responsible for the disbursement process of the payments to your employees. If an error occurs during the bank upload process, you are responsible for coordinating directly with the banks.
  • Benefits management
    • You will be managing your employees’ benefits such as a pension, and health insurance.
  • HR tasks
    • You will own your Employment Agreement terms and agreement directly with your employees.
  • Tax remittance in some countries
    • You will be responsible for remitting the tax deposits/payments in some countries. Please contact our team gp-help@remote.com for more details.
      • Remote will always complete your tax filings to local tax agencies/authorities.
      • Remote can facilitate the payments in some countries.
Since customers are the employers of their employees, they are responsible for employees' communication. 

For Remote Payroll, we will facilitate the processing of your employees’ payroll:

  • Process time off requests, expenses, and incentives & bonuses in payroll
  • Generate and distribute payslips within the Remote platform
  • Provide bank files to ensure employees’ payouts
  • Payroll compliance with local regulations
  • Off-cycle payroll runs
  • Facilitate the submission of filings and payments to tax and social security authorities

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