How can I connect my Payoneer account with Remote?

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Payoneer is a global payment platform that allows you to receive local bank transfers directly from businesses. Payoneer's virtual wallets offer a fast, flexible, and simple way to receive payments globally.

Here's how to add your Payoneer account as a withdrawal method on Remote:

  1. Login to your Remote account and navigate to the Withdrawal methods tab in the sidebar.


  2. Click on Add withdrawal method and select Add bank account.

    add-withdrawal-methods (1).png

  3. Add your bank account details including your Payoneer account number and ACH routing number (this is the same as your ABA routing number).
  4. Click on Save to get this account added to your withdrawal methods.

You can select this method as your preferred default method if you wish to receive your payments in your Payoneer wallet.

See also: How to assign a withdrawal method to a scheduled invoice?

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