What is ROE and how do we issue it in Canada?

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ROE is included in the Remote Global Payroll offerings without any additional fees.

What is an ROE (Record of Employment)?

  • It is the most important document for employees to apply for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits. It provides employment history information, including duration and earnings with an employer.
  • Service Canada uses the information on the ROE to determine whether a person is eligible to receive EI benefits, what the benefit amount will be, for how long the benefits will be paid and to ensure that no one misuses EI funds or receives benefits in error.
  • Employers are legally required to issue workers a Record of Employment (ROE) when there is an interruption in earnings, and when switching payroll companies.
    • In this case, you need to ask your current provider to issue and submit ROEs to Service Canada after you process your last payroll with them. Not only is this an important step in compliance, but it’s also necessary to give your new payroll provider access to a comprehensive per-pay period breakdown of insurable earnings so they can prepare ROEs on your behalf.

An interruption of earnings occurs when:

  • An employee resigns.
  • An employee is laid off or terminated.
  • The 7-day rule: An employee has had, or is anticipated to have, seven consecutive calendar days with no work and no insurable earnings from the employer.
  • An employee's salary falls below 60% of regular weekly earnings. This may be due to illness or injury, pregnancy, the need to provide care or support to a family member, etc.

When will Remote request this document from customers?

When customers transition to Remote Global Payroll from another provider Since the ROE provides important information about the employee's employment history, including details about earnings and insurable hours, we use it for payroll processing and verifying employment history.

When should you as an employer issue an ROE with your employees?

When a Remote Global Payroll employee in Canada gets off-boarded.

ROEs are still required even if the employee is not planning to apply for EI benefits.

Upon termination, the Remote Payroll team will automatically upload the ROE document to the employee's profile.

Please send an email to Remote via gp-help@remote.com if the employee did not receive the ROE.

  1. Remote prepares the ROE 5 calendar days after the end of the pay period in which an employee’s interruption of earnings occurs.
  2. Remote uploads the ROE to the employee profile. The employee will be able to download the document and submit it to Service Canada.

Visit the Canada government (Service Canada) website here to read more about the ROE.

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