Guide: What information do I need to start Remote Payroll in Canada?

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During the self-onboarding process for Remote Payroll in Canada, we'll ask you to complete a form with your company's details, payroll information, and employee data. Here's what you need to get started:

1. Company Information

Mandatory items:

  • Goods and Services Tax ID (GST)
    • It is a unique identifier issued by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) that identifies businesses registered to collect and remit GST in Canada. The registration process is simple and straightforward, with registration available online through the CRA website.
    • Visit the official website here for more information
  • Retail or Provincial Sales Tax ID (PST) for Quebec
  • Harmonized Sales Tax ID (HST)
    • The harmonized sales tax (HST) is a combination of federal and provincial taxes on goods and services in five Canadian provinces.
    • Visit the official website here for more information
  • ROE (Record of Employment)
    • A Record of Employment (ROE) is a form that employers in Canada must provide to employees who experience an interruption in earnings.
    • When moving from different provider: The ROE provides important information about the employee's employment history, including details about earnings and insurable hours, which can be useful for various purposes such as payroll processing and verifying employment history.
    • Visit the official website here for more information
  • CRA letter (Canada Revenue Agency)  
    • This letter indicates the remittance frequency necessary for social security filing and payment. The sample can be found here.
    • If you don't have the CRA letter and need a copy, you can request one through any of these options:
      1. Online through My Account:
      - Log in to your CRA My Account online portal.
      - Navigate to the "Mail" section.
      - Locate and download the required letter.
      2. By Phone:
      - Call the CRA at 1-800-959-5525 (for business inquiries).
      3. By Mail:
      You can request a copy of your letter by writing to the CRA's mailing address. In your request, include your full name, address, and any other pertinent information.
      4. In Person:
      - Visit a CRA office or Service Canada location where you can request assistance in obtaining a copy of the letter.
  • Pre-authorization letter
    • This is to give Remote authorization to do a Direct Debit for salary and statutory payment. The sample can be found here.
  • Ontario Employer Health Tax (EHT) supporting document that shows the new rate.
  • Exemption from WCB
    • If the organization is WCB Exempt, please provide a supporting document that shows the exemption. Visit the official website here for more information.

If Applicable:

  • WCB Document
    • Copy of the WCB document that shows the new Worker's Compensation (WCB/WSIB) rate. Visit the official website here for more information.

Regional items:

  • Manitoba
    • Financial document showing account number, rate, and payment frequency
  • Newfoundland / Labrador
    • Supporting document showing account number, rate, and payment frequency
  • Quebec -Revenu Quebec
    • Supporting documents for Quebec health services fund (QHSF) and Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing (CSST)/the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) showing account number, current rate, payment frequency, and RP# for Quebec legal entity if applicable.

2. Employee Information

We ask to provide the following information of all onboarded employees.

Mandatory items:

  • Work contract
    • This allows our payroll team to verify information or confirm how certain items should be treated in payroll.
  • Payslips for the current tax year
  • SIN card
  • TD1 form (personal tax return)
    • It's a federal and provincial tax form used by employees to determine the amount of income tax their employers should deduct from their paychecks. There are two versions: the federal TD1 form and the provincial or territorial TD1 form.
  • TP-1015.3-V (only for Quebec)
    • Each employee must complete this form with provincial (just for Quebec) tax information.

Optional items:

  • Indian status and status cards
  • Work eligibility document
    • For temporary residents, employees must provide a work permit. For permanent residents, we ask to provide a PR (Permanent Resident) card.


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