BambooHR is a leading HR software provider that helps companies hire, onboard, pay, and develop successful team cultures. This integration will empower and increase the productivity of HR teams by connecting employee data and automating repetitive tasks. By minimizing manual data entry the integration also reduces the risk of errors within HR processes and communications that could delay onboarding timelines.
The integration is FREE for customers using both Remote and BambooHR.
In this article, we will cover the following:
- Is this integration right for me?
- How to enable the integration
- Enable salary and job title syncs for EOR
- How the BambooHR integration works
- How to check which employees are synced through the integration
- How to disable the integration
- Troubleshooting/FAQs
Is this integration right for me?
Before you enable the integration, it's important to understand who the integration is available for and how the data is synced to make sure it's a good fit. Below are key things to know about the integration, to help you decide if it is the right choice for you:
Data synced:
Employee data (for EOR and Global Payroll employees)
For new hires:
- Email address (which serves as unique identifier for each user)
- Full name
- First name
- Middle name
- Last name
- Preferred name
- Start date
- Job title
- Country
- Address (excluding country)
- Department
- Supervisor
- Emergency contact
- SSN (for US employees)
- Birth date
- Legal sex
- Mobile phone
For active employees once onboarding has been completed in Remote:
- Full name
Job title
- Always synced for Global Payroll employees
- Job title changes for EOR are synced if you configure your integration to include them (see guidance here)
Salary (if annual salary is entered in BambooHR)
- Always synced for Global Payroll employees
- Salary changes for EOR are synced if you configure your integration to include them (see guidance here)
- Department
- Supervisor
- Emergency contact
- SSN (for US employees)
- Address (excluding country)
For active GP employees, in addition to the above fields, we also sync and update:
- Start date
- Birth date
- First name
- Middle name
- Last name
- Preferred name
- Legal sex
- Mobile phone
- Nationality
For new hires:
- Time off for EOR and Global Payroll employee: Approved future time off requests can be synced from BambooHR into Remote using the Employee Time-off Sync with BambooHR integration
Direction of sync: One-way from BambooHR to Remote
Frequency of sync: Once per hour
How to enable the integration
Before you get started, you need to ensure you have "Full Admin" permissions in BambooHR. This is required in order to complete the integration setup. In addition, ensure that Full Admin or Everyone has permission to access the Company Directory or the Org Chart in BambooHR.
You need to create a custom field in BambooHR that indicates which employees and contractors to sync through the integration:
Notice for previous integration customers: The previous method to identify employees that are synced to Remote was done through the Pay Group and Employment Status fields. We’ve simplified the setup to identify employees using a custom field Sync to Remote as. If you have already set up the integration using Pay Group and Employment Status fields, you do not need to make any changes and your integration will working as expected with the previous setup. We’ll be migrating your data to the new method in the upcoming months.
To identify the BambooHR users that will be synced to Remote, the integration relies on the creation of a custom field Sync to Remote as. For this, please log into your BambooHR account and follow these steps:
- On the main BambooHR page, click on the gears icon on the top right part of the page, to open the Settings for your account
- On the sidebar, click on the Custom Fields link, and then on the New Custom Field button to the right.
Use the following options for the custom field:
- Field Name: Sync to Remote as (make sure to copy/paste this exact name, or your integration might not work properly)
- Type: List: Single Answer
Answers: Please add the following options (again, make sure to copy/paste these exact text, or your integration might not work properly)
- As employee
- As contractor
- As global payroll employee
- Field status: Optional, this field can be skipped
- Employee Profile Tab: Job
- Section within selected tab: Job
- Check the I take full responsibility for the creation of this field checkbox, and then Save your changes.
Go to the employee profile that you want to sync to Remote. You should have a dropdown in the Employee’s Job tab called Sync to Remote as. From this field you can set the following options, which will determine how the user will get synced to Remote:
- As employee - for EOR
- As contractor - for Contractors
- As global payroll employee - for Global Payroll
You can also consider using Power Edit function in BambooHR to set values for Sync to Remote as field for many users at once.
After the custom field is set up, you will need to link your BambooHR account to your Remote account to enable the BambooHR integration.
- Once you're in your Remote account, go to the Company Settings, then Workflow & Integrations, click on the Integrations. You will see the list of available integrations. Click on Add from the BambooHR integration card.
- Under Configure your BambooHR integration, click on Add next to the BambooHR Integration option.
- Submit your BambooHR subdomain in the popup. This will often be the same as your company name. For example, if you sign in to BambooHR at, then you would enter acme as your subdomain.
- Next, you will need to submit your BambooHR login credentials in the popup window. Your credentials will be used to securely sync your BambooHR account to Remote.
- Once you’ve received the success message, you can close the pop-up window. You've authenticated us to be able to access your data through the integration.
That is it! From now on we will sync core employee data for the selected employees and contractors.
Enable salary and job title syncs for EOR
You can add salary and job title syncs for your EOR employees.
- Direction of syncs will be from BambooHR into Remote.
- What is special for the EOR use case is that we will need to issue a contract amendment for any change to salary or job titles.
- If you enable syncs for employee data and job titles, we will automatically trigger contract amendments workflow for any change of salary and job titles.
- Note that we can only sync salary from BambooHR if annual salary is entered.
Here are the steps to follow to add salary and job title syncs to your BambooHR integration:
- Go to the Company Settings in Remote, then Workflow & Integrations, click on the Integrations. Select the BambooHR integration card.
- Go to Settings tab and assign the person that should be set as the requester for contact amendments associated with salary and job title changes.
- Use the toggle Automatically sync employees’ salary and job title to enable syncs for salary and job titles from BambooHR into Remote.
That is it! From now updates of salary and job titles in BambooHR will automatically trigger contract amendments in Remote for salary and job titles in Remote.
To see the status of your contact amendments, you can go to “Employee Agreement Amendments” section on the employee profile of a specific employee. To view contract amendments across all your employees, you can go to “Requests”:
When you make a change to salary and job titles in BambooHR, please add a reason for this change. Ideally the reason would match possible reasons according to Remote’s classification:
- annual pay adjustment
- country rule change
- error correction
- job change reevaluation
- promotion
If you do not include the reason, we will note “Contract change requested from BambooHR integration” as the reason for the contract amendment.
If you wish to add time-off syncs, please follow this guidance.
How the BambooHR integration works
The information transferred from BambooHR for new employees will include the employee’s: Name, Start Date, Job Title, and Email.
- If a Home Email exists in BambooHR, Remote will use this email address by default. If the Home Email doesn’t exist in BambooHR, Remote will use the Work Email provided. We strongly recommend adding a Home Email in BambooHR to avoid any onboarding communications going to the employee’s work email address before they have access to their company email account.
- A unique email address must be used. The email address cannot already be associated with an existing user in Remote.
- During this stage, you're required to add the employee’s country to the Country field which is located under the Personal tab.
- Please note when syncing new EOR employees from BambooHR to Remote, you need to choose a hire date in the future.
Once the employee's onboarding process is complete, changes made to an employee's details in BambooHR will be synced to Remote. Please note that any subsequent changes made on Remote to these fields will not sync over to BambooHR, and will be eventually overwritten with what’s on BambooHR.
Data changes may take up to an hour to sync from BambooHR to Remote. If you wish to force the data to sync immediately, go to the Company Settings and then Integrations tab in Remote, select the BambooHR card, and manually click the Sync data button. The manual sync data button may take up to one minute to complete the sync.
To view the new employee’s profile in Remote, go to the Onboarding section. From here, you will be able to search for the new hire and finish the remaining steps in the onboarding process within Remote. Please note, the employee will not receive an invitation to onboard in Remote until you complete these remaining steps.
- The employee’s information carried over from BambooHR (name, start date, job title, and email) will be automatically populated into the onboarding forms to save you time and prevent potential errors from manual entry.
If you wish to add time-off syncs, please follow this guidance.
How to check which employees are synced through the integration
To get an overview of all employees connected between Remote and BambooHR:
- Go to the Company Settings on Remote, click Integrations and select the BambooHR card.
- At the top of the page, you'll see a tab named People, with the number of connected employees between brackets.
3. Click on the People tab to see an overview of the connected employees.
4. From the overview page, you can navigate to the employee's profile.
If the employee is connected to BambooHR, you will see the BambooHR logo on their individual profile.
How to disable the integration
If you decide to disable the BambooHR integration, it is possible to do so from Remote:
- Go to the Company Settings in Remote, click Integrations and select the BambooHR integration card.
- From the BambooHR integration section, select Delete if you wish to disable your BambooHR connection with Remote.
- From the pop-up, select Delete integration to confirm your choice.
Some of my employees are not syncing to Remote. What should I do?
Check that all users you want to sync have the right value for "Sync to Remote as" field ("As employee", "As contractor", or "As global payroll employee"). This is how we know which users to sync for each use case. Go to the “Job” section of employee profile in BambooHR and check that the “Sync to Remote as” field has the right value.
Check email addresses: We match records in BambooHR and Remote based on work and private emails.
- If the user already exists in Remote when you are trying to set up the sync, we need the email addresses to match exactly so we know which existing user to update data for. To make this user sync, the data must be changed so that the email addresses match. Once the sync has been done once, the data can be changed back to what it was, but that will also change the email address for the user in Remote because email address changes in BambooHR will sync to Remote, so this is something to consider.
- If the email address you want to use is already used for the older archived profile of the same person, reach out to our support team and we can merge those user profiles.
Check start dates. Our rules around start dates for EOR employees are explained in detail below (For Global Payroll employees start dates can be any time.)
- For completely new employments in Remote: If no employee with the given email is present in our system (i.e. we’re going to create a new employee in Remote), start date needs to be in the future.
- For existing employments in Remote: If the employment of the employee in Remote is in created status (i.e. the employee is in Remote, but hasn’t onboarded yet), start date needs to be in the future.
- If the employment of the employee in Remote is in active status, start date can be anything (in the past, in the future, and can also be omitted in BambooHR). We ignore the start date for active employees as it is not supposed to change.
- Recommended solution: If you are trying to sync an employee with start date in the past, you should onboard the employee on the Remote platform directly, without importing them via the HRIS integration. Once the employee is in active status in Remote, you can then successfully sync any updates to their employee data using the HRIS integration.
If you've confirmed all the above is correct and the problem still persists, please reach out to our support team at and send us the full list of employees or contractors that are not syncing. For each user, please provide the following:
- Name
- Email in Remote
- Private and work email in BambooHR
- Values for “Sync to Remote as” field (see the “Job” section of the employee's profile)
- Start date
- Employee ID from BambooHR. You can find it in the URL when checking the employee's profile: ← id=40531
I'm getting a certificate error and/or I'm stuck on a page saying "Awaiting authorization" during the integration set up.
Please ensure you're entering the company subdomain, which does NOT include the part. For example, if you access BambooHR at, you should enter acme only when setting up the integration. If you still encounter issues with this, please reach out to us.
What if I want to make changes to the employee’s profile before onboarding has started?
You can make changes to a new employee’s name, start date, job title, or email address in BambooHR and these changes will sync to Remote as long as the onboarding process has not begun in Remote.
Please note, data changes may take up to an hour to sync from BambooHR to Remote. If you wish to force the data to sync immediately, go to the Company Settings in Remote, click Integrations and select the BambooHR card, and manually click the Sync data button. The manual sync data button may take up to one minute to complete the sync.
Employee changes will not sync from BambooHR into Remote while the onboarding process is in progress because these details are used to create the employment agreement.
NOTE: You can reach out to our team via email at or directly on the Remote platform via the Support chat widget.
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