How to set up split salary payments on Remote

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Employees can now add multiple bank accounts on Remote and also choose to have their salary split across accounts.

Split Salary Payments is only available to residents in the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada for now.

This article will cover: 

How to add a deposit method

To add an additional bank account on Remote: 

  1. Click on Deposit methods.
  2. From the Deposit methods page, click on Add deposit method.


  3. Choose the type of account you'd like to add. 
  4. Fill out your bank account information and click on Add bank account.
  5. Once you've done this successfully, you can see an overview of your deposit accounts from the Deposit methods page. 

How to split salary payments

When you've added an additional bank account on Remote, you have the option to split your salary across multiple bank accounts.

  1. From the Deposit methods tab, click on Manage split payments.


  2. Fill out the percentage split you want implemented across your bank accounts, then click on Save.
    Please note: Coinbase requires a minimum of $1 USD for crypto currency auto conversion.


  3. Once you've done this successfully, you'll see an overview of your bank accounts and the respective salary split for each account.

  4. Lastly, please send our team an email via to let us know you have completed the split salary payments set up! Once the email has been received, we can process your updated payout. 

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