Hibob Employee Sync Integration

Article author
Emily Brooks
  • Updated

Hibob is an HRIS and people management platform that helps dynamic companies bring out the best in their employees. Through this new integration partnership, we’re bringing together two of the best platforms in global HR to streamline and accelerate global expansion for companies of all sizes.

This integration will increase the productivity of HR teams by removing repetitive tasks. The integration will automatically sync new employee or contractor hiring data from Hibob to Remote.  By minimizing manual data entry, the integration also reduces the risk of errors within HR processes and communications that could delay onboarding timelines.  Once the onboarding process is complete in Remote, our integration also allows HR teams to automatically sync changes in active employee information from Hibob to Remote to make sure data is consistent across both systems.

The integration is free for customers using both Remote and Hibob.

Review an  interactive demo  of the integration to see the process in both platforms. 

Data synced:

  • Employee data (for EOR and Global Payroll employees)

    • For new hires:

      • Email address (which serves as unique identifier for each user)
      • Full name
      • First name
      • Middle name
      • Last name
      • Preferred name
      • Preferred pronouns
      • Start date
      • Job title
      • Country
      • Address (excluding country)
      • Department
      • Supervisor
      • Emergency contact
      • SSN (for US employees)
      • Birth date
      • Legal sex
      • Mobile phone
      • Nationality
    • For active employees once onboarding has been completed in Remote:

      • Full name
      • Job title
        • Always synced for Global Payroll employees
        • Job title changes for EOR are synced if you configure your integration to include them (see guidance here)
      • Salary (if annual salary is entered in HiBob)
        • Always synced for Global Payroll employees
        • Salary changes for EOR are synced if you configure your integration to include them (see guidance here)
      • Department
      • Supervisor
      • Emergency contact
      • SSN (for US employees)
      • Address (excluding country)

For active GP employees, in addition to the above fields, we also sync and update:

      • Start date
      • Birth date
      • First name
      • Middle name
      • Last name
      • Preferred name
      • Preferred pronouns
      • Legal sex
      • Mobile phone
      • Nationality

Note: When syncing new EOR employees from HiBob to Remote, you need to choose a start date in the future.

Before you get started, you need to ensure you have administrator permissions in Hibob. This is required in order to complete the integration setup. Also please note, if you have changed any of the default section names in Hibob, the integration may not work for you.

This article will cover: 

How to configure your Hibob integration and add necessary permissions

Create your user ID and token

To add the HiBob integration, you will need to create service credentials on HiBob (user ID and token). Follow the steps below to create your user credentials. If you already have HiBob user credentials, you can skip to step 3 to enter your user credentials now. Please note, if you have changed any of the default section names in HiBob, the following instructions may not be exact for you. For any questions you might have, please reach out to Remote support.

1. Create a Service User and get your user ID and token from HiBob

  • Log in to app.hibob.com with a user that has administrator permissions.
  • In the HiBob Settings page, go to Integrations > Automation > Click on Manage under the Service Users card.
  • Click the New Service User button, and enter a Service User Name and a Display Name (e.g. Remote integration), then click Save.
  • After you click Save, you will see a pop up with your user ID and token. Copy and securely store these credentials in a handy place. DO NOT close the pop up window or abandon the page until you have securely stored your user ID and token. Once stored, you need to set the correct permissions by clicking the Go to permission groups.


2. Create a Permission Group and assign the correct permissions

If you missed the Go to permission groups button, you can still create and assign permissions by following these steps:

    • Create the permission group and assign the service user you created in step 1 with the following steps:
      • In the HiBob Settings page, go to Account > Permission groups


  • Go to Create permission group > Service user. Enter a name for your Permission Group in the Group Name field (e.g. Remote integration), and optionally, add a description for the group.
  • Select the Service User created in Step 1 in the Members dropdown.
  • Click on the Create button in the Create Group popup. A message will show indicating 1 person will be added to the group. Click on Confirm to finish creating your permission group.


Assign the correct permissions to the service user

  • Add the necessary permissions to the permission group by following these steps. This will allow the service user to retrieve all of the necessary employee data for the integration.
    • When you finish creating the group in the previous section, you should be able to see a list of permissions that this group has. If it doesn’t show up or you navigated out of the page, please go back to the list of permission groups by going to the Account > Permission groups page and clicking on your newly created permission group. You should be able to see your group name on the left side, and the list of permissions it has on the right side.


  • Click on the Edit permissions link on top of the page. This will allow you to enable or disable permissions for this group. You will find a list of the necessary fields for this integration below
    • Under the Features tab check the following boxes:
      • Settings > Employee Fields > Select Manage Employee Field Settings


People > Lists > Select Edit all lists (sites, job titles, etc.)


Under the People’s data tab, choose the People group and ensure the following items are checked. Please note that some of the items are selected by default, which will show as a light gray checkmark.

Part 1.png


  • Within the following sections, ensure there is a gray checkmark next to each item:
      1. About > View selected employees’ About sections
      2. Address > View selected employees' Address sections
      3. Basic Info > View selected employees' Basic info sections
      4. Emergency > View selected employees' Emergency sections
      5. Employment > View selected employees' Employment sections
      6. Employment > View selected employees' Employment section histories
      7. Home > View selected employees' Home sections
      8. Identification > View selected employees' Identification sections
      9. Identification > Edit selected employees' Identification sections
      10. Payroll > View selected employees' Payroll sections
      11. Personal > Edit selected employees' Personal sections
      12. Personal > View selected employees' Personal sections
      13. Personal Contact Details > View selected employees' Personal contact details sections
      14. User Data > View selected employees' User data sections
      15. Work > View selected employees' Work sections

Note: The following 4 permissions are needed for extra fields we added to the integration in August 2024. If you set up the integration before that date, you would need to update your permission group in HiBob to benefit from syncing extra data.

  • Emergency > View selected employees' Emergency sections
  • Identification > Edit selected employees' Identification sections
  • Personal > Edit selected employees' Personal sections
  • Payroll > View selected employees' Payroll sections

Under the People’s data tab, click on the Access data for button on top of the list. Click on the Select people by condition, and click on the Edit button. From the popup, select Lifecycle Status from the first drop down. Select Exists from the second dropdown. Click Apply.

access rights.png

Finally, click on the Save button on top of the page. A message will confirm that you will be adding the permissions to the group. Please take some time to review the permissions you’re adding with the list above. Click on Apply to continue.


Enter your user credentials

      1. You will need to log into your Remote account. Once you're in your Remote account, go to the Company Settings, then Workflow & Integrations, click on the Integrations. You will see the list of available integrations. Click on Add from the HiBob integration card.
      2. In the Add the Hibob integration section, you’ll select Add integration. Or you can click the Add Hibob integration button in the top right corner of the page.
      3. Enter the user credentials copied in step 2 into your Remote account. Then click the continue button.

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How to sync employee information

Now that your Hibob integration has been added, you can set up your accounts to sync employee information from Hibob to Remote. To do this:

  1. In the Hibob People tab, go to Directory. Select the employee you want to sync with Remote.
  2. On the employee's profile, scroll down to the Work section and click on the edit button on the top right corner of the section.
  3. In the Sync to Remote field, select either As employee or As contractor or As global payroll employee, then click Done.
  4. Repeat this step for all the employees you would like to sync to Remote.

Now, you can manually sync those profiles from Hibob to Remote. Click the Manual sync button within Remote to manually force updates to sync in Remote. That’s it! You successfully added the Hibob integration and synced Hibob profiles.

Please note that once set up, the integration automatically syncs all selected employees’ data regularly. If your changes have not synced in Remote after having completed the integration setup, you can use the manual sync button in Remote or wait a few minutes and then try reloading the screen.

You can find the profiles of synced team members in the People tab of your Hibob Integration page in Remote.

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How to enable salary and job title syncs for EOR

You can also sync salary and job title for your EOR employees.

  • Direction of syncs will be from HiBob into Remote.
  • Note that for Employee of Record employees, a contract amendment will need to be issued for any change to salary or job titles.
  • If you enable syncs for salaries and job titles, Remote will automatically trigger the contract amendment workflow for any changes to these fields.
  • Salaries will need to be in a Annual pay period format in HiBob, for us to be able to sync and process them correctly in payroll

Follow the steps below to add salary and job title to your HiBob integration:

  1. In HiBob, update permissions for the service user that you set up for this integration. This will enable us to access future salary and job title changes of your employees and to kick off contract amendment process. To add this permission, complete the following steps:

    • In the HiBob Settings page, go to Account > Permission groups

    Screenshot 2024-10-29 at 10.05.21 AM.png

    • Select the Permission group currently being used for the Hibob/Remote integration
    • Under People’s data within the Work section, within the Work sub-section, select the permission 'View selected employees' Work section histories’ 

    Screenshot 2024-10-29 at 10.11.06 AM.png

    • Under People’s data within the Work section, within the Payroll sub-section, select the permission 'View selected employees' Payroll section histories’ 

    Screenshot 2024-10-29 at 10.08.45 AM.png

  • Click Save once both of these new permissions are selected.
  1. Then, in Remote go to the Company Settings, click Integrations and select the HiBob integration card.
  2. Go to Settings tab and assign the person that should be set as the requester for contact amendments associated with salary and job title changes.
  3. Use the toggle Automatically sync employees’ salary and job title to enable syncs for salary and job titles from HiBob into Remote.

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That is it! From now updates of salary and job titles in HiBob will automatically trigger contract amendments in Remote for salary and job titles in Remote.

To see the status of your contact amendments, you can go to “Employee Agreement Amendments” section on the employee profile of a specific employee. To view contract amendments across all your employees, you can go to “Requests”:

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When you make a change to salary and job titles in Hibob, please add a reason for this change. Ideally the reason would match possible reasons according to Remote’s classification:

  • annual pay adjustment
  • country rule change
  • error correction
  • job change reevaluation
  • promotion

If you do not include the reason, we will note “Contract change requested from HiBob integration” as the reason for the contract amendment.

How to import a new or existing employee or contractor from Hibob into Remote

When the integration is set up, we automatically create a custom field Sync to Remote in HiBob that will be used to identify which users to sync and how. The options are:

  • As employee - for EOR
  • As contractor - for contractors
  • As global payroll employee - for Global Payroll

Please make sure to all users you want to sync have the right value for the custom field Sync to Remote. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Log into Hibob with a user that has administration permissions.
  2. In the Hibob People tab, go to Directory. Select the employee you want to sync with Remote.
  3. On the employee's profile, scroll down to the Work section and click on the edit button on the top right corner of the section.
  4. In the Sync to Remote field, select either As employee, As contractor or As global payroll employee, then click Done.
  5. Repeat this step for all the employees you would like to sync to Remote.
  6. Now, log into your Remote account. Once you're in your Remote account, select the Integrations option from the left sidebar and click on the Hibob card. 
  7. On the next page, click the Manual sync button to manually force updates to sync in Remote. 

Note: When new employees are added, their full name, email, start date, job title, address, and supervisor is transferred from HiBob into Remote. When existing employees are synced, their name, email, job title, address, and supervisor are synced from HiBob to Remote. 

To sync a new EOR employee to Remote, the start date must be a date in the future in HiBob.

For active EOR and Global Payroll employees in both Hibob and Remote, their start date can be any time.

How to disable the integration

If you decide to disable the Hibob integration, it is possible to do so from Remote. To disable the integration:

  1. Go to the Company Settings, click Integrations and select the Hibob integration card.
  2. Select Remove integration if you wish to disable your Hibob connection with Remote.
  3. From the pop-up, select Delete integration to confirm your choice.

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I followed all the setup instructions but none of my employees are syncing to Remote. What should I do?

  • If none of your employees are syncing, it suggests an issue with the configuration for the Permission Group. Please double check that
    • All required permissions are included in the Permissions Group
    • The correct service user is added to the created Permission Group.
  • Section names were changed: If certain section names shown in an employee’s profile have been changed from the defaults, then our integration won’t work. You will need to set the section names back to the defaults for the integration to work. The sections that must exist are “Work,” “Basic Info” and “Address.” 

Some of my employees are not syncing to Remote. What should I do?

  • Check that all users you want to sync have the right value for "Sync to Remote" field ("Employee", "Contractor", or "Global payroll employee"). This is how we know which users to sync for each use case.
    • Go to the “Work” section of employee profile in HiBob and check that the “Sync to Remote” field has the right value. 

    • If you do not see “Sync to Remote” field at all, please refresh the page. This is a known issue with Hibob: The field will not show up after you have set up the integration until the page has been refreshed.

  • Check email addresses: We match records in HiBob and Remote based on work and private emails.
    • If the user already exists in Remote when you are trying to set up the sync, we need the email addresses to match exactly so we know which existing user to update data for. To make this user sync, the data must be changed so that the email addresses match. Once the sync has been done once, the data can be changed back to what it was, but that will also change the email address for the user in Remote because email address changes in HiBob will sync to Remote, so this is something to consider.
    • If the email address you want to use is already used for the older archived profile of the same person, reach out to our support team and we can merge those user profiles.
  • Check start dates. Our rules around start dates for EOR employees are explained in detail below (For Global Payroll employees start dates can be any time.)
    • For completely new employments in Remote: If no employee with the given email is present in our system (i.e. we’re going to create a new employee in Remote), start date needs to be in the future.

    • For existing employments in Remote: If the employment of the employee in Remote is in created status (i.e. the employee is in Remote, but hasn’t onboarded yet), start date needs to be in the future.

    • If the employment of the employee in Remote is in active status, start date can be anything (in the past, in the future, and can also be omitted in HiBob). We ignore the start date for active employees as it is not supposed to change.

    • Recommended solution: If you are trying to sync an employee with start date in the past, you should onboard the employee on the Remote platform directly, without importing them via the HRIS integration. Once the employee is in active status in Remote, you can then successfully sync any updates to their employee data using the HRIS integration.

If you've confirmed all the above is correct and the problem still persists, please reach out to our support team at help@remote.com and send us

  • Screenshots of the configuration for the Permission Group to which the configured Service User belongs. This can be found in Settings > Roles & Permissions in Hibob. 
    • We need screenshots of all sections for permissions we require
    • Screenshot of the details of Permission group created to check if the correct service user was assigned to the permission group.
  • Full list of employees or contractors that are not syncing. For each user, please provide the following:

What if I want to make changes to the employee’s profile before onboarding has started?

You can make changes to a new employee’s name, start date, job title, or email address in HiBob and these changes will sync to Remote as long as the onboarding process has not begun in Remote.

Please note, data changes may take up to an hour to sync from HiBob to Remote. If you wish to force the data to sync immediately, go to the Company Settings, click Integrations, select the HiBob integration card, and manually click the Sync data button. The manual sync data button may take up to one minute to complete the sync.

Employee changes will not sync from HiBob into Remote while the onboarding process is in progress because these details are used to create the employment agreement.

NOTE: You can reach out to our team via email at help@remote.com or directly on the Remote platform via the Support chat widget.


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