Register your company with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KVK uittreksel extract)
The Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KVK uittreksel extract) is responsible for keeping track of all companies registered in the Netherlands. You are required to provide information about your company (name, address, and legal structure). Once registered, you will receive a unique identification number (KvK-number). -
Register for taxes with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst)
You can obtain a tax number (RSIN) once you register your company with the Belastingdienst. This number is required for paying taxes such as income tax, value-added tax (VAT), and payroll tax. You'll receive a payroll tax number (Loonheffingennummer) after registration.What is the Belastingdienst?
- The Belastingdienst is the Dutch Government Organisation responsible for imposing and collecting taxes on behalf of the state, and implementing various allowances and schemes for Dutch residents. The Douane deals with all customs matters.
- On this website the GPIS can also find more useful information to learn more about it.
Register with the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV)
The UWV is responsible for the payment of employee benefits, like sick pay and unemployment benefits. You need to register your company with the UWV to provide your employees with access to these benefits. Registration with the UWV is mandatory for all employers in the Netherlands. -
Register for WHK Premier
The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration calculates the WHK premium based on your company's size, industry, and historical data related to sickness and disability claims, as well as unemployment claims. They use this information to determine your company's contribution to the WIA and WW schemes. Once the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration has calculated your WHK premium, they will notify you of the rates applicable to your business. These rates are usually communicated annually.
Register for WKR Werkkostenregeling
a. Log in to the Dutch Tax Administration's Online Portal: Employers need to log in to the Dutch Tax Administration's online portal, known as "Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk" (My Tax and Customs Administration Business). This portal provides access to various tax-related services, including registration for the WKR.
b. Register for WKR: Within the online portal, employers can find the option to register for the WKR. This typically involves completing an online registration form with details about the company and its intended use of the WKR.
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