Here are the company details we will be asking you to share with us during the “2. Customer Information Collection” stage.
Company Information
- Company name
- Business address
VAT number
- Visit the official website here to read more about VAT numbers.
Company registration
Trade sector, and the 'Sector code' that is applied on this entity
- The sector code is a numerical designation that categorizes businesses according to their primary industry or operational sector.
- Visit the government website to read more.
UK registration number
- This can be checked at the Companies House
Company UTR (Unique Taxpayer Reference) if available
- This can be found on the government website.
- Directors' name, NI numbers (if they have), date of birth
- Number of expected employees on the payroll
- Payroll start date
Is the company eligible to claim small employer relief?
- Small Employer's Relief is a scheme aimed at providing support to small businesses about their employer NICs liabilities. The relief applies to employers whose total annual liability for Class 1 National Insurance contributions is below a certain threshold.
- Visit the government website to read more.
Is the company eligible to claim the employment allowance? If yes, how much of the allowance has been claimed this tax year?
- An initiative to support businesses by reducing the amount of employer National Insurance contributions (NICs) they have to pay.
- Visit the government website to read more.
Company Bank Details
- Bank name
- Account holder name
- Account ownership type
- IBANs in the UK consist of 22 digits and include the country code, check digits, bank code, sort code, and bank account number.
- All banks and financial institutions are assigned a BIC or SWIFT code and these are used to process international money transfers safely and securely using the SWIFT system.
Required Company Documents
HMRC Authorization Letter (Authorising your agent (64-8)' form)
- We will share the 64-8 format to complete.
Company policies
- We need to collect the company policies and regulations, as certain information contained within them may have an impact on payroll procedures (examples are leave, overtime, bonus schemes etc)
- Payroll summary from the start of the tax year
P30 & P32 summary document
- These are the documents that summarize the amounts owed by the employer to HMRC for PAYE (Pay As You Earn) taxes and National Insurance contributions. You can find the forms by contacting the HMRC Employer Helpline.
- P30 typically refers to a form known as "P30 - Employer's Supplementary Return." This form is for employers to report and pay any outstanding Class 1 National Insurance contributions (NICs) to HMRC.
- P32 is the Employer Payment Record and is a summary of the amounts you have paid to HMRC each month. It covers both PAYE tax and NICs deducted from employees' salaries as well as employer's NIC.
Full Payment Submission(FPS)
- It is a report that employers are required to submit to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) each time they pay their employees. The FPS contains details of payments made to employees during a specific pay period, along with information about deductions such as income tax, National Insurance contributions, and student loan repayments.
- Visit the government website to read more.
- It is an employer's declaration to HMR) concerning the amounts paid to employees and the deductions made from their pay. It's a detailed record of each employee's pay and deductions over the tax year.
- Visit the government website to read more.
- Copy of Journal (if applicable)
Required Employee Documents
- Employees’ work contract (per employe)
Employees’ payslips
- We ask you to share all the employee payslips relevant to the current tax year if the implementation starts in the middle of the year
- Copies of IDs
- It is an official document that employers issue to their employees at the end of each tax year, typically by the beginning of May.
- Visit the government website to read more.
See also: What is a P60 form?
- This will be provided by employers to employees upon leaving a job.
- Visit the government website to read more.
See also: What is a P45 form?
- Employers are required to provide employees with a summary of the information reported on the P11D form. The Summary outlines the details of the expenses and benefits provided to the employee during the tax year
- Visit the government website to read more.
See also: What is a P11D form?
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