Add or change incentives, allowances and expenses for your employees directly from Remote

Article author
Fabi Lopez
  • Updated

With the Pay Elements feature, Payroll customers gain a more efficient way to manage payroll directly, facilitating the easy adjustment of incentives, expenses, allowances, and more, enhancing the overall payroll management process.

Note: This feature can only be used by employees hired through the Customer's entity and using our Payroll product.

This article covers:

Navigating to Pay Elements

To access Pay Elements, follow these easy steps:

  1. Click the "Team" tab in the navigation panel to the left of your Remote account.
  2. Select the desired employee profile.
  3. In your employee's dashboard, click on the Pay Elements tab at the top.

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Creating Pay Elements

From this tab you can create two types of pay elements:

Recurring Payments: These are added to every payroll process automatically.

One-Time Payments: These are added to a single payroll run, ideal for bonuses or one-off adjustments.

To create a pay element:

  1. Click on the "Add Payment" blue button to the top right.

  2. Choose between a recurring payment or a one-time pay element.

  3. Click “Add pay Element” at the top right again to confirm the creation of the pay element for your employee.

    Note: employers can only add Employee Pay Elements if it has been configured already on the Legal entity level. To configure Pay elements for a new entity, please contact an admin. To do so, click Contact us in the banner at the top, or send an email to

  4. Specify the details such as amount, effective date, and other necessary information.

  5. Click "Save and Close" to finalize the creation.

Pay Elements statuses

  • Scheduled: Upcoming adjustments waiting to be applied to payroll, open for edits.
  • Processing: Adjustments currently being processed in the payroll cycle, cannot be edited until the cycle is complete.
  • Completed: Adjustments fully processed and applied to the payroll.
  • Archived: Remove incorrect pay elements from the employee’s profile

Viewing and Editing created Pay Elements

  • Scheduled pay elements can be edited freely by clicking the three-dot button next to the status of the element.
  • Pay elements in the processing state cannot be edited. This lock helps maintain the current payroll cycle's accuracy until it's finished.

Archiving Pay Elements

If a pay element has been entered incorrectly or not processed, customers can archive it to remove it from the employee's profile, maintaining a clean and current view of relevant pay elements.

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