Here are the company details we will be asking you to share with us during the “2. Customer Information Collection” stage.
1) Company Information
Company name
Business address line
VAT number
- It is mandatory for your company to apply for VAT registration with the French tax authorities before starting your activities. Your company must apply for VAT registration with the French tax authorities before starting your activities.
- VAT numbers in France are composed of the country code FR, a 2-character control key, and the company's 9-digit SIREN number.
💻 Visit the official website here to read more about VAT numbers.
Current Payroll Provider
Current Payroll Application/Software
Name of a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), "Convenio Colectivo de Trabajo"
- CBA is a legally binding agreement negotiated between employers or employer associations and labor unions or employee representatives. It establishes the terms and conditions of employment for a specific group of workers or a particular industry sector.
💻 Visit the official website here to read more about CBA.
2). Company Registration
Entity type
- Visit the government website to check the type of entities in the Netherlands.
Entity Type
Social Security Company details (URSSAF)
Name of Social Security Regime
SIRET (Système d'identification du répertoire des établissements) and SIREN number (Système d'Identification du Répertoire des Entreprises)
They both are assigned automatically INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) when you register your business (also called activity declaration). Your Siren and Siret can be found in your personal space on the Single window for company formalities.
- The Siret number identifies the activity location. It must be mentioned on the payroll of the employees who work in the establishment concerned.
- It is composed of 14 digits: the 9 digits of the Siren + 5 digits specific to each establishment (these 5 digits are called NCI, internal classification number (Insee).
ii) SIREN number
- Siren is a company directory identification system. It is made up of the Siren (9 digits) and the NIC code (5 digits).
- It provides access to all legal information and financial of a company. These data are public.
- It must be mentioned on the payroll of employees, on all commercial documents and on mail and administrative forms.
NIC number (Numéro Interne de Classement)
- It is used to identify a specific establishment.
APE (Activité Principale Exercée) &NAF (Nomenclature des Activités Françaises) code
- The APE and NAF codes are identical, identifying the main activity of the self-employed worker or company.
CBA name
- The collective agreement takes precedence over the employment contract, except where the latter is more favorable to the employee (article L2254-1 of the French Labor Code).
Pension Affiliation (Organism letter)
Additional Pension (if applicable provide contract)
Union membership (if applicable)
Work accident contribution rate
- Starting January 1, 2022, all companies must register for the AT/MP account at to notify AT/MP rates electronically. This applies to companies of all sizes. Once registered, you will receive this notification in electronic format.
3) Legal Representative Information
- Title, Full Name, Role, National Identification Number, Address
4) Company benefits
Health insurance provider
- Complementary or mutual health insurance, also known as supplementary health insurance, offers additional coverage to the basic package provided by the social security system. This can include services such as dental, optical, and specialist treatments.
Life insurance provider
- Life insurance, also known as provident insurance, provides coverage for major life events such as disability, incapacity, dependence, and death.
ESC membership (if applicable)
- The Social and Economic Committee (ESC) is the employee representation body within the company, established in companies with 11 or more employees. Its implementation becomes compulsory if the workforce numbers at least 11 employees for 12 consecutive months.
Do you provide a grant/budget to the ESC?
- The employer, depending on the company size, pays an operating subsidy to the ESC. The operating budget is 0.20% of the gross payroll for companies with 50 to 1,999 employees, and 0.22% for companies with 2,000 or more employees.
- Any additional providers
5) Miscellaneous Company Info
- Which Holiday is considered as your Solidarity Day?
- Is Article 36 Affiliated to Prevoyance non cadres applicable to your company?
- Start day of the week
6) Company Bank Details
- Bank name
- Account holder name
Account ownership type
- Personal or Business
- 18 characters, typically begins with the country code "NL" followed by a two-digit checksum, four letters representing the bank code, and 10 digits representing the bank account number.
- BIC (Bank Identifier Code) or SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) codes typically consist of 8 or 11 characters.
6) Required Employee Documents
DPAE (Pre-hiring condition)
- The "DPAE" (déclaration préalable à l'embauche: declaration before hiring) is a nominative declaration that must be sent to the URSSAF or the Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA) no earlier than 8 days before hiring. It is used to register employees with social security bodies (health insurance and URSSAF), enroll them in the unemployment insurance scheme, apply for membership of an occupational health service, and request a pre-recruitment medical examination.
💻 Visit the official website here to read more about DPAE.
Work contract / Annexes / Amendments
- Fixed-term (CDD) or part-time open-ended (CDI) contracts must be provided in writing to the respective employees for their signature.
- The recognition of the status of disabled worker (RQTH) is an administrative decision that allows for the benefit of a set of measures favoring retention in employment or access to new employment.
- For RQTH employees, companies must declare their employment in the DSN. This declaration should include the RQTH certificate, the disability rate, the date of disability recognition, and the RQTH category code.
💻 Visit the official website here to read more about RQTH.
RUP (Unique Personnel Register)
- The Unique Personnel Register (RUP) is a mandatory log of employee information that the employer must maintain and update regularly within the company structure. It must be made available to the labor inspector during inspections. This register contains certain mandatory information, such as the employee's name, date of entry, date of exit, SS number, etc.
- The Unique Personnel Register (RUP) can be maintained either digitally through payroll software or physically with a dedicated book. It's the company's or HR department's responsibility to update the RUP with employee information, such as entries, departures, and more, regardless of the method used.
- If a company has several establishments, it must draw up a register per establishment.
💻 Visit the official website here to read more about RUP.
- Payslips from the previous and current year
Work accident register
- Register of all workplace accidents, including commuting and work-related incidents. This register is accessible to the company doctor, the labor inspector, and the Social and Economic Committee (CSE).
💻 Visit the official website here to read more about work accident obligations.
- Employees' individual Life Insurance Documents signed
- Employee national ID Card
Work permit for foreign employees
- Foreign employees from outside the EEA (European Economic Area) require a work permit (visa, residence permit, etc.) which is the employer's responsibility. Employing a foreign worker without a work permit can result in penalties. No specific authorization is required for EEA nationals to work in France.
CPAM right certificate or CPAM Vital card
- CPAM is the local health insurance fund (Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie) in Paris, which centralizes registration requests and handles various formalities to reimburse healthcare fees, cover costs following an accident at work, etc.
- The Carte vitale is a card with an embedded microchip that certifies entitlement to Assurance maladie (French health insurance).
💻 Visit the official website here to read more about Vital Certificate.
Teleworking insurance certificate (Recommended)
- The teleworking insurance certificate proves to the employer that the employee is covered by home insurance when teleworking.
Notice of benefits (if applicable)
- If you have a mutual provident fund, please provide the employees with a full description of the benefits offered. The employees must return a signed document confirming that they have received all the documents (notice, designation, acknowledgment of receipt).
Employee savings booklet (if applicable)
- Presenting profit-sharing and incentives schemes (only when such schemes exist within the company).
Medical Certificate
- The information and prevention visit is compulsory. Employees must attend a medical check-up at least every five years. For disabled workers receiving a disability pension and night workers, the maximum period between two visits is set at three years.
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