Set your company’s timesheet approval preferences

Article author
Alice Bracchi
  • Updated

When it comes to tracking a team member's hours, different teams have different needs especially when it comes to approving timesheets. On the Remote platform, company admins can now determine which timesheets need manager approval.

This setting is particularly useful for managing workers whose compensation depends on tracked hours. It also ensures managers have control over their team’s hours, if necessary. To manage timesheet approvals:

  1. On the Remote platform, navigate to Company settings tab then go to the Time settings section.
  2. Under Time settings, click on Timesheet approvals then Edit.
  3. Here, you will be able to select which timesheets you want managers to approve.
  4. Once changes have been made, click Save. At this point, if you have selected All timesheets, managers in your organization will receive timesheets to approve regardless of whether they contain extra hours.

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