How to format your CSV file when bulk adding employees hired by your company

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An employee hired by your company is someone you employ through your own legal entity and manage using Remote HR software — as opposed to using Remote as the Employer of Record (EOR).
See also: How to add and invite employees hired by your company to Remote 

CSV format instructions

  • Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Country should be one of the following:
    • A 3-letter country code 
    • A 2-letter country code 
    • The full name of the country
  • Sex should be one of the following values:
    • male, female
  • Gender identity should be one of the following values:
    • female, male, non-binary, no-response, other
  • Contract currency should be one a 3-letter currency code.
  • Type of employee should be one of the following values:
    • full_time, part_time
  • Annual gross salary must be a numeric value only (e.g., 75000.00). Exclude currency symbols and codes.
    • Use a single period to indicate cents (e.g., 10.50).
    • Commas are not supported.
  • Nationality should refer to the country name and can match the same format as the Country field

Glossary of supported fields

Field Name Mandatory Description Example Values
Full name Y The employee's full name Alex Johnson
Personal email Y The employee's personal email address
Country Y The country of the employee's location USA, GB, Canada
Job title Y The employee's job title within the company Software Engineer
Manager N The employee's manager Sara Kale
Manager's email N The employee's manager's email
Full legal name Y The employee's legal name as per official documents Alexander Johnson
First and middle names Y The employee's first and middle names Alexander David
Last name or surnames Y The employee's last name or surname Johnson
Address Y The employee's residential address 1234 Maple Street
City Y The city of the employee's residence San Francisco
State Y The state of the employee's residence California
Postal code Y The postal code of the employee's residence 94102
Emergency contact's full name Y Full name of the employee's emergency contact Jamie Johnson
Relationship to employee Y The emergency contact's relationship to the employee Spouse
Their email Y Emergency contact's email address
Their phone number Y Emergency contact's phone number +1-555-123-6577
Employment start date Y Start date of employment in YYYY-MM-DD format 2024-01-01
Contract currency Y Currency code for salary payments USD
Annual gross salary Y The employee's annual gross salary 75000
Work email N The employee's work email address
Department N Department the employee works in Engineering
Manager N Employee's direct manager Casey Smith
Preferred name N The name the employee prefers to go by Alex
Pronouns N The pronouns the employee prefers they/them
What is your sex? N The employee's sex male
Gender identity N The employee's gender identity non-binary
Other gender description N Description if 'other' gender identity is selected Prefer not to say
Nationality N The employee's nationality Canadian
Birthdate N The employee's birthdate in YYYY-MM-DD format 1990-04-23
Mobile number N The employee's mobile phone number +1-555-211
Extra Statement N Additional information or statements about the employee Eligible for remote work benefits
Address line 2 N Secondary address line for the employee Apartment 101
Local details N Additional local details for the employee's location Near the central park
Type of employee N The type of employment (full_time, part_time) full_time
Probation end date N The end date of probation period in YYYY-MM-DD format 2024-04-29
Contract duration N Duration of the employment contract 12 months
Contract end date N End date of the employment contract in YYYY-MM-DD format 2025-01-17
Work hours per week N Number of hours the employee works per week 40
Number of paid time off days N Annual number of paid time off days 20
Paid time-off initial balance N Initial balance of paid time off 10
Role description N Description of the employee's role Responsible for developing software
Supervisor's name N Name of the employee's supervisor Morgan Lee
Employee's work address N The work address of the employee

4567 Oak Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94107

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