You can easily pay incentives like bonuses, commissions, or allowances using Remote.
Step 1: Verify your permissions: To create an incentive, ensure that your company admin profile is designated as an Owner, Super Admin, or holds a Customized Role with access to the Incentives tab.
See also: What can different company users do on Remote?
Step 2: Configure the incentive: In the Incentives tab, select the appropriate amount and type of incentive. It is essential to choose the correct category to ensure proper tax treatment.
See also: How do I pay incentives to employees?
Important: Payroll cutoff dates: Incentives must be submitted by the payroll cutoff, which is the 11th of each month. If the 11th falls on a weekend, the cutoff will be the preceding Friday. Incentives submitted after the cutoff will be processed in the following month’s payroll.
See also: When is payroll cutoff?
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