How do I delete my Remote account?

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If you'd like to delete your Remote account, the process is different depending on user type. In this article, we will cover:

Account deletion for Remote Customers 

If you have created a Remote account for your company, it may be possible to delete your account and data only under the following circumstances: 

  • You've created an account but haven't invited any employees, contractors or freelancers yet.
  • You've created an account, invited employees, contractors or freelancers and neither have ever logged into Remote.

What if the employee/contractor/freelancer has already created an account on Remote?

In this case, if you did not proceed with hiring this employee and the contractor never submitted an invoice, then we can perform a soft delete which will restrict their access and the processing of their information on Remote. We do this because we rely on our right to hold personal data about employees, contractors or freelancers for legal protection purposes. We will erase the said information within six calendar months from when the request is made. 

What if the employee has been hired or the contractor's invoice has been processed in the past?

In this case, we will not be able to delete all their data because, in order to hold the personal data, we rely on our:

  • compliance obligations in the field of tax and labor law;
  • contractual commitments towards employees (where applicable); and
  • right to hold personal data about employees and contractors for legal protection purposes.

We can instead archive the employee's/contractor's/freelancer's profile which can restrict the processing of the said information on our platform and eventually, we will erase the data in line with the relevant statutory requirements in the jurisdiction of the employee, contractor or freelancer.

Account deletion for all employee types, contractors and freelancers

As an employee, contractor or freelancer, if you want to delete your account, please reach out to us and include your full name, the email address associated with your Remote account and the name of the company you're associated with so we can review and process your request.

NOTE: You can reach out to our team via email at or directly on the Remote platform via the Support chat widget.

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