How do contractors request time-off?

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When a contractor needs to take time-off work, they can do so on Remote.

This article will cover:

How to request time-off

  1. To request time-off from your Remote dashboard, click on the Time-off tab. 
  2. From the Time-off page, click on Request time-off and fill out the details of your request. When you submit your time-off, your employer will receive an email to review your request. 


If you need to take a couple of hours off work rather than a full day, you can request partial time-off. 
See also: Request less than a day off

How to view and edit submitted time-off

You can have access to your submitted time-off from your Time-off dashboard. When you have submitted your time-off, you can still make changes as long as it hasn't been approved yet. 

  1. Go to the Time-off tab.
  2. Click on the Time off summary section. 
  3. Choose the time-off request you'd like to make changes to and click on Edit.



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