How to request a customized employment letter

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  • Updated

A customized employment letter is used when you need the letter to include very specific information that our standard employment letter doesn't have.

The customized employment letter is also used when you need someone at Remote to fill out a specific form to verify your employment with us.

To request a customized employment letter:

  1. Go to the Requests tab.
  2. Click on New request and from the request type dropdown, choose Employment letter.


  3. Click on Continue to request.
  4. From the Templates dropdown list, choose None of these templates fits my needs.
  5. You will be prompted to fill out a form with all the necessary details. If you need Remote to fill out a form, please upload the form to this request.

  6. Once you're done, click on Request letter.

Once you submit this, you can view your request status from the Requests tab. We will also kick-start the process internally. You will receive an email notification when we have uploaded the letter to your profile.


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