If a client ends the partnership with Remote, what happens to the team members' data?

Article author
Yancho Yanchev
  • Updated

Employee information

Remote will formally remain the former employer of any employees you terminate. As such, Remote is entitled, and often required, to maintain employee personal data for at least 3 years following each termination. This period varies in the different jurisdictions where we operate. Remote advises clients to consider keeping their copy of the former employee's information for around 12 months following termination. This is to assist Remote with any potential employment-related disputes which may arise post termination.

Contractor information

Remote will retain terminated contractor information for up to 90 days, unless contractors wish to remain on our platform following termination with a specific client. Remote advises clients to consider keeping their copy of former contractor's information for around 12 months following termination. This is to assist Remote with any potential employment-related disputes which may arise post termination.





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