How to review and approve timesheets

Article author
Rodney Rasmussen
  • Updated

If an employee submits a timesheet that requires extra compensation — such as overtime or on-call hours — someone at the company needs to officially approve the timesheet before Remote can process it for payroll. 

In this article, we will cover the following:

Establish who can approve timesheets

By default, company owners and company admins can approve timesheets that include extra compensation. Alternatively, you can create a customized role that gives a company user the right to approve timesheets.

See also: Create a tailored manager role based on company's needs

How to review timesheets

When an employee submits a timesheet that requires extra compensation, the company user(s) with approval permissions for time tracking will receive a notification, letting them know it needs to be approved. 

See also: Set your company’s timesheet approval preferences

To approve a submitted timesheet: 

    1. On your Remote dashboard, click on the Time tracking tab.
    2. To review the timesheet, click on the three dots icon then choose View breakdown.

    3. Once you've reviewed the timesheet and you're ready to approve it, tick the box on the left, then click on Approve timesheets. You can approve one or multiple at a time.

      Optional: You can include a note to our Payroll team. If you’d like to offer additional compensation for overtime, on-call or any other extra hours, you can do so through the Incentives tab.


If an employee submits their timesheet after the payroll cutoff date, or if your approval happens after the payroll cutoff date, we will push any extra compensation to the following payroll run.

See also: When is the payroll cutoff?

Manage incorrect timesheets

If you spot any errors or inconsistencies in timesheets that include extra compensation, please reach out to the employee to clarify. If you need to change a timesheet you've already approved, please put in a request through the Request hub.


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