Required Leave-Related Information During Payroll Implementation in Spain

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Here is the leave-related information we will be asking you during the “2. Customer Information Collection” stage.

1) Annual Leave

  • How many annual leave days are employees entitled to per annum?
    • There is a minimum mandatory annual holiday allocation of 30 calendar days or 22 working days for each full year worked. CBA can potentially add more annual leave depending on the industry.
  • Should leave accrual be pro-rated if an employee starts in the middle of a pay period?
  • Do employees accrue annual leave while on maternity/paternity leave?
  • Do employees accrue annual leave while on sick leave?
  • What happens if an employee uses all of their annual leave?
    • e.g. If an employee leaves the company with a negative balance of days or hours, these will be deducted from their final payslip.

2) Sick Leave

  • How is sick leave currently handled/calculated, and how much is covered in percentage of the wage?
    • You are required to pay at least 70% of their last earned wages for a maximum period of two years.
  • What happens after a year of an employee being sick?

3) Maternity Leave

  • How much percentage of the wages is covered?
    • Expecting mothers are entitled to 4-6 weeks of leave before the birth, and 10 weeks of leave after birth.
      Visit the official website here to read more details on maternity leave.
  • For how long are employees entitled go on maternity leave and be covered?

4) Paternity/Partner Leave

  • How much percentage of the wages is covered?
    Visit the official website here to read more details on paternity/ partner leave.
    • e.g. 100% on the first week, and 70% up to the 5th week

5) Nursing Leave

  • How is nursing leave currently handled and calculated?
    • In Spain, parents can take 1 hour off from work each day to breastfeed until the baby is 9 months old. During this leave, employees will still receive their regular salary. However, employees need to inform their employer in advance about how they plan to use this leave. Here are the options.
  • Will the company still fully contribute to a pension if the employee receives a percentage of the salary?

6) Other Leave

  • Please specify if there are any other leave types that your company has and how it works

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