How to create a custom role for access to the Reporting & Analytics tab

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By default, only the Company owner, Super admin and Viewers have access to view the Reports & Analytics tab. To give company admins outside of these roles access, you will need to create a custom role for them and assign Reporting & Analytics viewing permissions. 

See also: How to create a customized role for a company user

For custom roles, you can: 

  • You can restrict data access to direct reports, indirect reports, specific departments, legal entities or countries.
  • Restrict access to certain Reporting tabs.

When granting access to the Reporting & Analytics section, it's important to note that: 

  • Entire company: A company user with a custom role can only have access to HR, Payroll, Billing, and (coming soon) Contractors if the Information access level they have is set to Entire company.
  • Direct and indirect reports & Direct reports: When setting up a custom role to only have access to Direct and indirect reports or Direct reports, this means that the company admins with this role will only be able to access HR reports scoped to their particular team. The checkboxes for the other reports will be disabled. 
  • Employment country level: If the information access level for this custom role is set to Employment country level, company admins assigned to this role with access to Employment country level information will see all HR-related reports, scoped to the country (or countries) selected. 
  • Departments: If the information access level for this custom role is set to Departments, company admins assigned to this role with access to Department level information will see all HR-related reports scoped to the department(s) selected. 

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