How does the time off interface work?

Article author
Rodney Rasmussen
  • Updated

As an employee, the Time off tab will show you a calendar view of past and upcoming time off requests.

You can request new time off by clicking on the date(s) on the calendar or clicking the Request time off button in the top right corner. 

The interface also displays key calculations to the right of the calendar, making it easier for employees to intelligently budget and manage their time off at any given moment. 

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A: Days available to book time off (i.e. days off allotted minus any days already taken, requested, and/or approved)

B: Pending requests awaiting manager approval

C: Days upcoming that have already been requested off by the employee and approved by the manager

D: Days per year allotted in the employee’s contract

E: National holidays available for the employee to take off based on their country



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