How to raise a question related to time off

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If you have a question related to public holidays, annual leave and special leave, you can submit a request on the Remote platform. This applies to both Customers and Employees.

How to raise a question related to time off

  1. Go to the Request tab and click on New request.
  2. When the modal appears, choose the type of leave you need to raise a question for then click on Continue to request


  3. Fill out the details of your question, then click on Submit request. This automatically opens a ticket for our team. When there's a response to your question, you will get an email notification.


  4. Every request you submit can be found on the Request Hub page. You can click on View details to go directly to the ticket thread.  


Please note that submitting this request is not the same as booking time off. Once your question has been resolved and you need to book time off, you can do so from the Time off  tab. 

See also: Request time off

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