How to view a fixed-term contract's end date

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When an employee is onboarded to Remote on a fixed-term contract, it is now possible to view when the fixed-term contract will end both from the Company's view and the employee's view

For the Company: 

The contract end date can be viewed in the Team's overview page or directly on the employee's profile.

To view the contract end date from the Team tab: 

  1. Go to the Team tab.
  2. From the overview table, you can see a list of all team members and their respective contract end dates.


To view the contract end date from the employee's profile: 

  1. Go to the Team tab.
  2. Click on the employee's profile, you'd like to view.
  3. Click on Job & Pay.
  4. From the Job & Pay section, you will be able to see the fixed-term contract end date.


For the Employee: 

As an employee, you have access to your contract details at any time. To view when your fixed-term contract will be ending: 

  1. Go to the Personal details tab.
  2. Click on the Job & Pay section.
  3. From this page, you'll have access to the details of your contract such as contract end date, contract start date, and the end date of your probation period. 



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