Setting up SSO in Remote with JumpCloud

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You can setup Single Sign-On for Remote through certain Identity providers (IdPs). To do this with JumpCloud:

  1. On your JumpCloud console, go to User Authentication > SSO, click on the plus sign button to configure a new SSO Application and choose Custom SAML App.


  2. On the General Info tab, you can set a Display Name for the SSO Application.
  3. On the SSO tab, fill in the configuration details generated on Remote’s SSO Settings page.
    • IdP Entity ID - the Audience field from Remote
    • SP Entity ID - the Audience field from Remote
    • ACS URL - the URL field from Remote

  4. Scroll down on the SSO tab, and copy the IDP URL to be added to Remote SSO Setup form.
  5. Under the Attributes section, add a new User Attribute Mapping to expose the email field to Remote.


  6. On the User Groups tab, be sure to grant permission to the users that should authenticate via SSO on Remote.
  7. Click on Activate to create the new SSO Application, a Toast notification should show up prompting you to download the Certificate file.


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